Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A day in the life of Bandit

Bandit's typical day consists mostly of sleeping, eating, and going outside when the weather is nice. He is almost 12 years old and isn't as energetic as when he was younger, but he still loves to play when the mood strikes, runs around outside, and catches mice.

His most important daily task seems to be alternating amongst several sleeping spots:

Back of the couch

Back of couch

On couch

On loveseat

When it's cold he likes to be covered up

Our bed


The deck, only when it's warm out

Chair in our bedroom, protecting us when we sleep
(it is positioned between our bed and the door)

He will relax in other places occasionally and sometimes on us:

Dining room

He's about as long as my legs!

Guarding the stairs

He hasn't gotten in a sink for a few
years but used to do it often


Caught mid-yawn on the deck railing

It's also funny the places he never sleeps: Albani's bedroom and our secondary living room that primarily Albani uses. I think he's a little concerned about her teenage unpredictability!

If he sees you're working on something, he may try to get in on it.

Homework helper

Teaching prep assistance (he also loves to sit on
the barstool that I'm seated in here)

He particularly likes to watch over things in the bathroom.

Supervising a homecoming hair style

He likes this spot when someone is in the shower

Every morning he wakes up with me, gets on the bathroom counter, and plays with a hair tie as many times as I'll toss it.

Catching the hair tie

He always begs for more treats and is very food-motivated! He learned multiple tricks with food (sit, shake, high-5, come here, and he used to be able to jump through a hula-hoop). He weighs 15-17 lbs depending on the time of year, and though he can get a little chunky he is mostly just husky.

He also loves his drinking fountain

He sits by the cat door when he is ready for it to open in the morning (we don't allow him out in the dark).

Waiting with brother Nugget

He goes in and out during daytime hours, and the length of time is weather dependent. In warm weather he will stay out much of the day, and in the worst of winter he will stay out a few seconds.

Relaxing on a freshly planted garden bed

Enjoying the greenery

Other stuff:

Albani made his likeness out of legos

He loves to be held like a baby

One of his baby pictures

I have tons of videos of him but was too lazy to add them now - I may edit later.

It is safe to say he brings joy to our lives every day! 

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