Friday, September 20, 2024

One Sole Purpose 10k

I won a free entry to the One Sole Purpose 10k through my running club, so gave this super hilly Springfield race a try for the first time. Race morning was warm with 100% humidity, plus I wanted to run 20 miles total for the day, so I did not have ambitious time goals for the race. I did hope I could manage an overall female win, though.

I ran 4.2 miles before the race to "warm up", i.e. become drenched in sweat and probably dehydrated. I tried to time it so I wouldn't be standing around for very long, but the race started a few minutes later than scheduled so I probably had about 7 minutes of waiting. Not terrible, but not ideal in the middle of a long run.


I started conservatively and in second female position. I suspected the teenage girl ahead of me was in the 5k but the effort felt comfortable for the distance, so I stayed pretty close to her. Some men that I usually run with or finish in front of were ahead of me, but I reminded myself they were likely not making it into a 20 mile day like I was. I also didn't feel very motivated to push; I think I was tired from the week.

The race started up a short hill then went down a fairly long decline. I relaxed down it but knowing I had to run back up it didn't excite me. I'd run the course on easy runs before so knew what I was in for. I also knew my splits would be all over the place. The course had several turns and at each one there was a volunteer holding an big arrow that displayed the distance on it. Our first turn was shortly after the start and their arrow said 0.1 which made me giggle. Throughout the race I ended up really liking the distance arrows since I always knew where I was at.

By the mile mark I was in first female position for both races with several men ahead of me. I didn't feel good but I felt like I could maintain my effort level. The second mile was up and down and up and down, and at 1.8 the 5k split off and headed back towards the finish. The 5k ran one big loop and the 10k did the same loop with an added "tail". We started our out-and-back section after the 5k split off. We had another downhill bit that again was hard to enjoy knowing we'd come back up it, plus I got a bad side ache on it. I passed a couple of men on that section and wasn't sure what overall place I was in but didn't think there were too many more in front of me.

The next turnaround was at mile 3.4 and then we started our trek up a 2.1 mile hill. I counted my overall position at the turn around, and there were 5 men in front of me. I also timed my lead on the second female and it was about 1:20 so felt pretty secure. I ended up passing 4 men going up the long hill, which is surprising since I'm not at all good at hills. Perhaps the timing of it in the race and my marathon strength helped me there. My side ache went away going uphill, making me think I was doing something different with my form running downhill (really the only other times I've had side aches in races is running into headwinds, and I know it's because the wind changes my form). One of the men stayed with me for quite awhile when I passed him, which helped me power through the hill. We also started going through 5k runners from about mile 5 on, and as usual rapidly passing people gave a boost.

At 5.5 we finished the long hill then had a short downhill, during which my side ache returned. I actually didn't mind going back uphill to the finish because going uphill it again went away! I heard someone coming up on me as I neared the finish line, and it was the man who I'd run with for awhile on the long hill. I didn't make an effort to kick on the incline to the finish, so he ended up finishing ahead of me. I just didn't have it in me knowing I had 10 more miles to run and a solid female win. Maybe I'm getting wimpy!

I tried to smile here

While on the course I was thinking it'd be a miracle if I ran under 7:00 pace on that course in that weather, so I was happy enough when my watch told me I averaged 6:51 pace. My official time was 42:35. It is somewhat sad that my PR is over 6 minutes faster (i.e., over a minute per mile), even though 2017-2019 Sara would not have run anywhere near a PR on that course either. I finished ahead of a man I've run portions of several Bass Pro Marathons with (who also runs sub-3 at that race almost every year), which brought some comfort.

I jogged to my car to grab a drink and a gel, and to meet my friend Sally for 10 more miles. She wanted to sleep in later than the main group run that day and was kind enough to meet me after my race. I didn't feel like a million bucks on the rest of the run, but it wasn't awful either, and the company really helped. I ended up with 20.4 total miles and I was glad to get it in! I had a out-of-town wedding the day after the race and didn't want to leave the 20 for Sunday.

I'll probably only run this one again if I win another free entry, but the trophy was adorable and I am sure it was good for me!

Results are here.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

August Angst

August 2024 in review!

Total mileage for the month: 330.1
  • July 29-Aug. 4: 76.1
  • Aug. 5-11: 80.0
  • Aug. 12-18: 65.7
  • Aug. 19-25: 82.6
  • Aug. 26-Sep. 1: 67
Hot angsty long run
  • August 6: 8 x 400 m w/ 200 m jogs + 2 x 1 mile threshold effort w/ 1:30 jog. This was my third workout back after 7 weeks off workouts, and I am always amazed at how quickly I improve after starting back (because in any other scenario that is not the case)! My 400s were: 1:26, 1:27, 1:25, 1:26, 1:27, 1:25, 1:26, 1:25 and my miles were 6:22, 6:19. The week before I did 1 threshold effort mile in 6:41 and expected this would be similar, so was really pleased when I saw my splits afterwards! Casey ran the 400s with me for her first workout back after Grandma's, which was nice.
  • August 10: 2.3 progressive fast finish on the tail end of an 18.3 mile run in 7:23, 7:01, (6:38 pace for 0.3). 
  • August 14: 4 x 0:45 hills, 3 mile threshold effort, 2 x 0:45 hills. The hills were hard and ranged from 5:50-6:07 pace, and the threshold felt strong and was 6:28, 6:26, 6:12.
  • August 17: 10 x 1:00 picks ups around the beginning of each mile from 3 to the end of a 13.2 mile cut-back long run.
  • August 21: 4 x 300 m, 3 mile threshold effort, 4 x 1:00 hills. Recoveries were 1:00 between 300s (jog 100 m then stand for a bit), jog to the tempo loop, jog to the hill, and jog down the hill, respectively. This workout went well, likely because it was 64*! My 300s were 1:03, 1:03, 1:01, 1:00, my threshold (with a kick) was 6:18, 6:13, 5:59, and my hill paces were 6:12-6:19. I think my watch reads a little fast on that tempo loop so the splits were probably more like 6:23, 6:18, 6:04, but I'm happy with those too. It's also the same route I used for every other threshold this month, so splits are comparable but all may be a little quick, if that makes sense.
  • August 28: 6 x 400 m w/ 200m jogs + 4 x 1 mile threshold effort w/ 1:30 jogs. This went far better than I expected in a temperate of 77* and dew point of 74* at 5:15 a.m.! My 400s were 1:30, 1:26, 1:28, 1:27, 1:27, 1:25 and my miles were 6:27, 6:20, 6:15, 6:04. I was happy with my averages and also the way in which I executed this workout with negative splits. Much like the two threshold workouts before, the last half mile included a significant speed up that was faster than threshold effort but felt strong. I ended up getting a little but the day after this workout so maybe I pushed too hard - but almost everyone I work with also had it so maybe nothing would have helped.
  • Favorite workout: August 21 because it was cooler and felt great.
My main workout buddies this month
(Lisa: "It's hard to look angsty after a good workout!")
Long Runs:
  • August 3: 16.5 miles, which were hot and draggy until I picked up the pace for mile 16 and strangely felt much better.
  • August 10: 18.3 miles, with the final 2.3 fast finish
  • August 17: 13.2 miles, with 10 x 1:00.
  • August 24: 20.2 miles, with random hill pushes (just whenever we hit a hill). I planned to do 18 but 20 happened!
  • August 31: 16 miles, with 6 attempted at steady (7:20-7:30). I planned to do 18 but was getting over a minor illness and felt really weak by 16 so stopped.
  • Favorite long run: I don't know that any of these were great, so I'll go with the 20 miler.
Hot humid long

Running Highlights:
  • I got to run with my 21-year-old niece each morning on our Eureka Springs trip.
Story nailed the dramatic angst

We forgot about this one until after we'd
showered (nephew in background)
Life Highlights:
  • Albani and I did a long weekend getaway in Holiday Island, Arkansas with my sister's family (Jon stayed home with Nugget). I got to do some hilly runs with my niece Story who runs for Columbia University.
  • Albani and I also did a Labor Day weekend getaway to Kansas City for a friend's wedding and IKEA trip. Jon doesn't like going to weddings and again stayed with Nugget. We then tried to remember if he's gone to any weddings with me except ours, and we figured out he has attended 1.25 (he fully attended one and came to the very end of the reception of another). I've taken Albani to at least 5 and she enjoys them!
  • Nugget is doing really well overall! He eats, sleeps, grooms, plays, and gets around well, and just seems happy (for about 36 hours during/after the clot he was not happy). As of August 31 he is 7 weeks past saddle thrombus. The risk of reoccurrence is highest during the first 30 days so we are thankful he is past that and feel a little better about leaving him home alone for short periods of time. He takes 3 medications daily so cannot be left alone if we travel though. We have done a lot of physical therapy with him and he continues to make progress towards walking completely normally again. Throughout this whole thing he has never not made it into his litter box, which I found really impressive, especially during the initial episode - and we are very fortunate because some cats end up needing diapers after this type of clot.
  • Albani started her junior year of high school.
Family photo

First day of junior year

"The kitties make me smile" (after
she did not smile for me)

Our miracle kitty

Cocktail attire
  • The Spectacular by Fiona Davis
  • Never Lie by Freida McFadden
  • Counting the Cost by Jill Duggar
  • Such Charming Liars by Karen M. McManus
  • The Postcard by Anne Berest
Theme for the month:
  • August Angst, because Missouri humidity
Not angsty but a beautiful sunrise

Photobombed by someone driving
through the Y parking lot

The long run everyone else stopped at 6 miles

UFO in background