Thursday, February 15, 2018


As of 1/1/18, I was officially 4 years into my workout streak!  I nearly forgot about it when I unintentionally got caught up in my first ever running streak from 6/20/17 to 1/14/18, and Facebook memories gave me the reminder that I forget about it every year until sometime in February!  Funny, I am still more proud of my not-quite 7 month running streak than I am of this 4 year workout streak.

I began the streak on 1/1/14 when was struggling with an injury and couldn't run, to help me be consistent with cross-training.  I made my own rules, which simply require a minimum of 10 minutes per day of exercise to "count".  It's rare that I only exercise for 10 minutes, but that leniency came in handy when I was suffering through cryptosporidium, when I had whatever intense virus I had 11 days before the Prairie Fire Marathon in 2016, during tapers, and in the first couple of days after marathons.  Plus, when I started the streak and couldn't run, on days that I dreaded cross-training it was easy to think, "Just 10 minutes and I can stop", which would get me started on the spin bike or whatever, and once I got going I'd go for a longer duration.  Let's face it, 10 minutes of anything isn't worth the laundry so you might as well get in a decent chunk of time!

It's been very easy for me to maintain this streak, because even before I started it I pretty much always exercised 6-7 days a week...this just made it more official!  I looked back at my training log, and although I technically started counting the streak on 1/1/14 to make it easy, the last day I took off was 12/27/13.  So as of today the total streak is 1511 days - 12/28/13 through 2/15/18! 

I don't really think this is significant in any way, but I also don't think I'll be letting it go!  Hopefully I can be a 90-year-old lady still plugging away at this crazy meaningless streak.  If I make it until I leave this world, someone note my total streak days in my eulogy, please!
Happy Valentine's Day, one day late!


  1. Replies
    1. I hope for the same! I expect comments about cross-training being inferior/a waste of time even though I think you’ve passed that phase. 😊

  2. This post is so you, I love it!!! You will be exercising in old age and I hope to be right there with you!
